Hi, I'm Julia Glum, an extremely online journalist with an unfortunate last name.

Based in Brooklyn, New York, I specialize in writing personal finance stories that involve or affect young people. You can find my copy in Money, Newsweek and the International Business Times, among other publications. I also have a newsletter, Dollar Scholar, which goes out every Wednesday to 160K subscribers.

Here's what you need to know about me:

•  I may be located in the Big Apple now, but I'm from the Sunshine State. An Orlando native, I graduated from the University of Florida in 2014 (and now spend NYC's freezing winters wondering why I left).

•  I'm a journalist because I love news. It gives me the chance to be a student and teacher at the same time — to use sources to learn everything I can about a story and then figure out how to present it in a way that's easy to understand but full of meaning.

•  Like any good millennial, I'm obsessed with social media. I take pride in having curated a Twitter (X?) timeline packed with influential reporters, big-shot politicians and — most importantly — funny memes. Though I've used my account to post scoops about Harvey Weinstein and cover inauguration protests, my most viral tweet ever was about… eels.

•  And, finally, I'm passionate about books. My favorite is Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl, and right now I'm working my way through Where Are Your Boys Tonight?: The Oral History of Emo's Mainstream Explosion by Chris Payne.